Friday 8 November 2013

Types of Communication Skills ,Types of Communication Skills,


The ability to speak and communicate is the only difference between animals and humans. It is because of effective communication skills that humans interact with each other as a social being. For a person to progress well in society , only merits are not sufficient qualifications just do not work, the person has the skills of powerful communication so you can pass on to others what you want them to do . Everything is great about communication skills , but the question is how to improve these skills. First, there is much literature on the web that can read and use in your life. Second, you can get books on the subject and thirdly, NEO can join in their training and English classes Corporate Communication .

Types of Communication Skills

Different books and experts define different communication skills , but the most basic definition is that :
Communication skills is the art and technique of communication by using oral and body language to persuade or put in it the change you want to be .

Therefore, communication skills is the ability to use language and express information . Communication skills is the set of skills that enables a person to convey information so that it is received and understood . Communication skills refer to behaviors that serve to transmit information. Communication skills is the ability of an individual exhibits consistently to communicate effectively with clients , colleagues , subordinates and supervisors , both in the professional and personal.

Types of Communication Skills

There are different types of communication skills. The first type of communication is to Communication Skills . This type of communication includes communication with the divine and with spirits of form and ritual incantations . Second, we interpersonal communication skills . That is, the direct face to face communication that occurs between two people. It is essentially a dialogue or a conversation between two or more people. This type of communication involves maximum interaction through words and gestures. Thirdly, we have the non-verbal communication skills . This includes aspects such as body language , gestures , facial expressions , eye contact, etc. , also become a part of the communication process , as well as writing and written modes of communication. No matter what the different types are communication skills , communication is a continuous process that is always going on all the time. It is so important to human life is the day-to- day existence .
The need for effective communication skills
Communication is one of the essential foundations of human existence , however , most people overlook the need to improve their communication skills . Effective communication skills is a must if individual or group . But how can we communicate effectively ? We can communicate effectively when we understand the stages of interpersonal communication : The first is the stage of phatic . This is the initial stage , which determines the course of the conversation. This begins with greetings and accompanying gestures , such as eye contact , smile, and so there is usually no intention , but it's only the stage for the next level of the conversation. The following is the The Stage Staff . This is the second stage in which individuals bring a few personal things in conversation. In this case , we are willing to let others not included in the conversation about themselves and descents hesitation. The third stage is the intimate stage . This stage is mainly for conversations among friends , family and relatives , where those involved in the conversation share a higher level of intimacy with others . This stage of communication usually takes to open your heart and share more intimate details , which is not part of the professional conversations . Professional conversation does not usually reach this stage .

Some barriers to communication

Being able to speak does not mean being an effective communicator . Communication is more than talking . Yes, this is an important aspect of communication, but this is not the only tool . Speaking clearly and effectively is more important than talking . We must focus on the nonverbal aspects of communication and overcoming communication barriers , otherwise can not communicate well . The most significant barriers to communication are questioning , criticizing, blaming , moralizing , threatening, insulting , bright eyes, showing fast movements , looking again and restlessness . Effective communication can not be done unless we overcome these barriers. Even the best communicators do feel some of the communication barriers. There are usually one or more of these barriers in communication. Barriers are not listening when people interrupt . Sometimes overzealous participants are making it difficult for effective communication. There may be many questions from the participants that might be difficult to handle. But speaking barriers are also great obstacles in communication. Speakers may speak incomplete sentences or clear messages . In communication, these barriers publish a real problem for communicators .
Thoughts automatically saved floating in our minds , but there are very few of us who know how to express those thoughts and influence the audience. Yes , we can talk about our ideas and feelings , but it is very difficult for some people to communicate these ideas effectively . So the common question that arises is : " how to improve my communication skills ." Experts in the field of training have found innovative ways and have provided interesting methods to improve their communication skills . The first thing you need is understand the purpose of communication and understand the process of communication. be aware of what others feel and be aware of what is going on around you when you are communicating . Try to understand the needs of communicators. Dig the meaning depth discussions of the participants so that you understand your needs and purpose of primary communication . clarity is believed that it is also very important. One should be focused on the issue at hand and beat around the bush . ambiguity is the biggest obstacle in communication. Try to be exact and direct and avoid being ambiguous. the most important skill in communication is listening . Indeed , effective communication does not start with speaking . starts with listening and understanding. so emphatically listen and try to understand what the person says . listen also makes dynamic conversation . Effective Communication ends in a win-win situation when you have resolved all conflicts or problems.

What is good communication?

Communication affects not only as a person but also others who are committed to you . Those who have good communication skills are ignored or not related in any way. Good communication skills are respected and welcomed by all . Good communicators are always popular among his peers. What are the good communications ? The following are the main tips to follow for good communication skills.
A good communicator always keeps eye contact with the audience. It is due to contact with the eyes that can engage people in you. Eye contact thought , you can always see the boy his public stance . Your posture can give much information about what they think of you or if you are interested in you or not. The gestures are also vital in communication skills . Use gestures and expressions as often as possible , but that should be a natural part of your communication. These gestures should not be intrusive in their communication. The last tip for good communication is practice, practice and practice a lot . You can take a book and start reading aloud to imagine an audience before . You can also watch a TV show and imitate their presentations.

What are the key communication skills ?

Important communications that a person must learn to be a good communicator involve the following duties: Taking responsibility for one message , claiming ownership of the messages from one preparation to listen, reflect on what the speaker has to say, be open-minded, recognizing differences of opinions , appreciation without judgment , accept comments , ability to share one's thoughts and feelings , the ability to resolve conflicts so it is a win- win for everyone and the ability to explain objectively without evaluating . These key skills are important in communication skills . Communication training has become very important in the 21st century so keep these things in mind , different communication programs are designed . A good communication program should have the following key areas: Introduction to communication skills , business communication , improving speaking, listening attentive, using examples and gestures , being emphatic , initiating the communication process , praising without being superfluous and conflict resolution - win -win problem solving skills . The above are some of the general skills that must be in every communication course .
Personality Development and Communication Skills
Personality is generally defined as the deeply ingrained patterns of thought relatively lasting , feeling and behavior. In fact , when one refers to personality, usually involves all that is unique about an individual , the characteristics that makes one stand out in a crowd. But there are two factors that grow or make the personality of a person. These are hereditary and environmental factors . But the environment plays a more important role in the development of personality that hereditary factors . While classes and training programs can help one grow and develop each day , however , one can actually climb the personality ladder by being aware of yourself , your environment and heredity . What really makes a good personality is positive thinking and take the good with the bad and vice versa. The development of a good personality , no negative trends , it takes some mantras to recite each day actually says about the personality of a person later. For example , a person may repeat every day : "Every day is a new day " , "I am full of love today " , " I have faith in myself and others" , "I am an honest and sincere " and" I greet this day with love and my heart and I can never overtake failure if my determination to succeed is strong enough . " These mantras are important for the development of the personality of a person without a good personality , no use of communication skills .

Corporate English Training and social skills

Business English Training ( CET ) is effective English customized in-house training courses and workshops for staff of the company. With respect to training in business English there are two important aspects : knowledge of written English and spoken English skills . Together , they make communication skills , because you have to communicate in writing and speaking mode of communication. Yes English Corporate has certain characteristics that make it a distinctive type of English . For example , people have no gender specific language . You have to finish what he started. One must be direct and does not mince words . In Business English Training , what we need most is Soft Skills . The driving force of every company is its employees. To ensure that employees perform better , are carried out your workouts. These courses soft skills are the most important. According to HR managers from various leading companies , regular training in social skills, helps the company as a whole as a result of this training is to motivate staff. Soft Skill refers to the self . Each employee has to be a qualified self- manager . Social skills are the essential skills necessary to do a self- Individual and business manager . Someone who can drive the car , and other beings in order to be able to perform above expectations , or at least on par , but certainly not below . Social skills are the courtesy , honesty , integrity , adaptability , verbal communication skills , computer skills , written and spoken Communication, Critical Thinking and WC .


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